
Cheesemonger's Picks Cheese Assortments, 4-12 servings
Our Cheesemonger's pick cheese assortment is how we build a perfect cheese course or light meal for customers who come into our shop needing guidance. Put your trust in our cheesemanger's and we'll put together a wonderful spread of cheeses and accoutrments that are ready to serve. Typically we do five cheeses, 2 aged firm, 2 soft ripened and a ...

Rogue River Blue
Rogue Creamery's cheesemaking roots date back to the 1930s when Tom Vella, founder of the Vella Cheese Factory in Sonoma, California, opened a creamery in Southern Oregon in the middle of the depression. The creamery created a wealth of jobs for the area, and soon came to focus almost exclusively on making blue cheese. In the early 2000s, Tom's ...