Shipping Information Holiday 2020
Please note that all carriers are experiencing delays in shipping due to extraordinary volume. Due to the perishable nature of our products we may need to adjust shipping dates to ensure product quality. Please consider upgrading your shipping or choosing local delivery if you need a shipment to arrive before a specified date.
We do our best to get all shipments out next business day but do not ship perishable shipment when transit falls over a weekend so most orders placed end of week will ship the following Monday. If you have questions about shipping please contact us directly or leave a note in the orders notes section of your order.
We have temporarily disabled shipping via USPS due to inconsistency in service time, if you have and order that requires USPS shipping such as PO Boxes or to a certain location please contact us to arrange shipping.
We offer nationwide shipping on the majority of our in-store products, we utilize both UPS and USPS for most services and you can see our prices and options at checkout.
Since many of our products are perishable we package orders in temperature controlled boxes, many require expedited shipping services, and we cannot ship certain highly perishable items like raw meats and meal kits, to ensure product quality.
If you place an order for perishable items later in the week we may hold your order until Monday to ensure you shipment doesn't sit over a long weekend in a truck or warehouse.
- Ground Shipping Service - You may use lower cost ground services for non perishable shipments and shipments within a 1 day service window (Colorado addresses)
- 2 Day Air Services - Our most common shipping method allows us to pack your order in a temperature controlled package and ship to you in the continental US, for the most reasonable price. 2 day shipping is available Monday-Wednesday. Packaging and ice packs are included in shipping costs.
- Overnight Delivery - The safest option for shipping perishable items and to guarantee onetime deliveries, available Monday-Friday. Packaging and ice packs are included in pricing at checkout.